Sunday, February 5, 2012

Genome: Introduction

The introduction chapter basically talked about the twenty-three chromosomes of the human genes. Each of the twenty-two pairs of chromosomes are numbered based on their size whereas the last pair of chromosomes contained the sex chromosomes. Matt Ridley had compared the human genome to a book which I thought had made it easier to learn about the genome. He stated that the twenty-three chapters are chromosomes, each chapter with several thousand stories are the genes, each story that is made up of each paragraphs is the exons, each paragraph with words that are called the codons, and each letters is the bases.This introduction chapter also talks about how the genes can undergo replication and translation, how replication involves the four letters A,C,G, and T, and translation which involves RNA, replacing T for U. The rest of the chapter talks about how everything is made of proteins that is later on translated into a gene.

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